May 7, 2007

Our Plant Sale

Posted in Garden at 12:04 am by carol

Loading up the truck for the sale
Our Plant Sale was a success. It was a beautiful day on Saturday, plus we sold a lot of plants. Many thanks go out to; Al, Tony, Claudia, Rochelle, Ethel, Mandy, Kevin, Carlo, Mr. G, and of course, yours truly. I must say that I was so happy to be on the shady side of the street. As lovely out as it was, I do not like to be in the sun all day, neither do most of our plants! We met a lot of fellow gardeners, as well as some more of the great people that work at the MLT (Manhattan Land Trust). They were kind enough to allow us to share their space at the block party for no charge. Thank you for your continued support. Enjoy the pictures and thanks to all who came out to support us!

!Tony helps at the saleCarol waters the plantsAl mans the table

May 5, 2007

Plant Pick Up

Posted in Garden at 2:27 am by carol

the 4 of us

Well here we go….

Off to beautiful Bed Sty Brooklyn on a gorgeous spring morning to pick up our plants!

A big thank you goes out to our steady helpers; Al, Claudia, Tony & of course myself.

We got there at 10am the opening time and can you believe it there were already gardeners there picking out their plants. Well as they say the early bird catches the worm!

It was like an Easter Egg Hunt! There were so many to choose from. Which one had 3 sprouts instead of 1 or 2? You get the picture. Some of my companions got what they call in the country  ‘Bushel Fever”! When you see so many things available, you just want to take them all, or as many as you possibly can. It was easy for me to identify the symptoms, as I had suffered from the same thing years earlier. It was when I lived in New Paltz, NY. It was October we were raiding the most since pumpkin patch @ midnight; I saw fields & fields of pumpkins. I wanted them all it seemed, or at least a lot. I had sand bags that I was filling, while trying to drag them all to the get-away van my cohorts laughed and laughed at my ‘bushel fever’. I learned my lesson.

Well when we got them back to the garden for sorting pricing and selling, it was like Christmas had come early to the gardeners. They wanted to keep them all! I tried to explain that we did not need 500 basil plants, but then I just laughed, bushel fever is contagious it seems.

We sorted things out and we will be selling some of the plants.

We will be selling on E 11th street between 2nd /3rd Aves in Manhattan all day this

Saturday May 5th between 10am till @ 6pm or however long the plants last.

Please feel free to come out and support our community garden!

our sign with flats

Tony’s van full of flowersTony with some flatsImpatients

May 3, 2007

It’s Spring….clean up time

Posted in Before & Afters, organized at 12:59 am by carol

the basement, before looking rightthe basement, after looking right

the basement, before looking leftthe basement, after looking left

Spring Cleaning!

Mother Earth is soo good to us! She really knows how to motivate us, inspire us & focus our efforts. It’s Spring! Time for growth and change, time to clean out all the stagnant chi from the long winter. To that ends, it is time to look in the attics and yes, even the dreaded basement. I had the opportunity, time and even the desire (mother earth at work, it was an overcast day), to help a friend and tidy up the basement. We are well on our way to a newly reclaimed space.

Put the cleaning clothes on and let’s go!